MarkD Cooks – Guest Contributor
Dec 18 2015
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Duncanville Unity Bike Club Build a Bike Project 2015

Thank you to the many people that helped with the Build a Bike Project! Based upon the contributions, we were able to gift six Bibles - to be used as a roadmap (sponsored by First Christian Church, Pastor D. Bondurant), six helmets, for safety along the way, and six bikes to enjoy.

Each school counselor developed their own criteria to determine which students would receive the bikes this year. Fairmeadows Elementary, Brandenburg Intermediate and Reed Middle School were each given two bikes to gift to a deserving student!

I want to recognize the donors who sponsored a complete bike. A special "Thank you!" to:

Mr. & Mrs. C. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. L. Bell
Ms. K. Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lott
Dr. Miner

Next year, our goal will be to continue with the Build a Bike Project twice a year. Make plans to join us.

Until then, view our Facebook page and like us.